C-UAS Training Solutions

Phalanx Defense, a veteran-owned small business, specializes in Counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems (C-UAS) training for the US Military & Law Enforcement. With a commitment to excellence and innovation, we provide comprehensive & rapid training solutions designed to equip service members with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively defeat UAS threats across multiple domains.

three drones flying in the desert. One drone in the foreground looking directly into the camera.

Core Capabilities

  • Tactics Instruction: Combat-proven C-UAS tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) for operators and warfighting functions supporting the C-UAS mission

  • Curriculum Development: Customizable training modules incorporating the latest UAS technologies and Intelligence Community (IC) observations and assessments

  • Simulated and Live Training: Threat-informed training environments (including test sets for contested and degraded operations) directed by Phalanx “white cell” representatives (for safety-compliance and training quality-assurance) to simulate various C-UAS scenarios ensuring readiness and effectiveness for warfighters and law enforcement agents

  • Destructive Testing and Training to determine the viability of kinetic and non-kinetic UAS countermeasures and build proficiency in their employment

  • Data Collection and Analysis of training outcomes for actionable feedback and TTP validation

a bomb exploding in the sky during the day

Military and Law Enforcement
Instruction & Training Solutions

  • Single, swarm, and dark UAS attacks

  • Military installation, public venue, and high-value individual defense

  • Forward area air defense, command & control (FAADC2)

  • All phases of the find, fix, target, track, engage, assess (F2T2EA) kill-chain

    + more

Threat Replication of Near-Peer & Insurgent Adversary UAS

  • Group 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 (kamikaze and target-acquisition) UAS

  • Air-breathing autonomous air vehicles (AAV)

  • One-way attack UAV (OWAUAV) and loitering munitions

  • Intelligence Community (IC) assessed enemy UAS capabilities & tactics

    + more

Operational Experience:

  • Special Operations – US Navy SEAL

    • Offensive and ISR (intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance) drone integration

  • Fighter Aircraft – A-10, F-15, F-16, FA-18

    • C-UAS, Defensive Counter Air (DCA), and Strategic Assistance Group – Ukraine (SAG-U) taskings

Developmental Experience:

  • SIGINT and UAS technology for public safety

  • Fighter aircraft TTP to protect maritime vessels from anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCM)

  • Urgent development of F-16 C-UAS TTP (previously unpublished) in support of Middle East combat deployments

  • Fighter aircraft “fires” TTP using datalink and off-board sensor cueing

Training / OPFOR Experience:

  • Fixed-wing consultant for US Navy SEAL Ground Force Commander Course

  • Adversary Program Manager for all US Navy fighter aircraft

  • US Air Force Weapons Instructor Course (WIC) and US Navy Fighter Weapons School (TOPGUN) instructors