Past Performance

Phalanx Defense is dedicated to enhancing public safety and empowering agencies with the most advanced C-UAS solutions available. We invite you to explore how our offerings can elevate your operational capabilities and protect the communities you serve.

  • Unique combination of military operational experience and commercial product development expertise, enabling a deep understanding of real-world challenges and user needs. Partner projects include large, autonomous delivery drones and acoustic "radar" technology.

  • Proven sub-contractor track record of delivering innovative, field-tested solutions that meet the highest standards of reliability, performance, and durability (greater than 11,000 mishap-free contract-flight hours and zero budget / deadline breaches)

  • Phalanx and partners have an unwavering commitment to supporting the critical missions of government agencies (e.g., US Customs and Border Patrol) and law enforcement organizations through cutting-edge technologies and exceptional service.

A swarm of drones flying at dusk
Andy Davis, managing partner at Phalanx Defense, former F-16 WIC instructor, expert in developing TTPs for countering enemy UAS, combat-proven with successful UAS shoot-downs and strategic drone operations experience in the Middle East.

Relevant Experience

Andy Davis, managing partner at Phalanx Defense, is a former F-16 WIC (Weapons Instructor Course) Instructor and is amongst the initial cadre of subject matter experts to urgently develop and field tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) for fighter aircraft to engage enemy UAS - an operational gap at the time of their inception. The TTPs developed by Andy and his colleagues have since resulted in dozens of successful enemy UAS shoot-downs during combat operations in the Middle East. Having also served as Mission Commander for successful strategic reach strikes integrating with friendly UAS in combat, Andy offers Phalanx (and those it serves) invaluable first-hand experience in high-risk drone operations.

Andy and the Phalanx instructor and Red Teaming network offer different backgrounds (US Navy Fighter Weapons School - TOPGUN, US Navy SEAL, as well as instructors from various US Air Force fighter aircraft) and mission-critical experience in opposition force (OPFOR) and large-force exercise (LFE) employment. The Phalanx team’s large-force integration resume includes high-visibility LFEs that tested National Level TTPs whose outcomes were reported to the Secretary of Defense.

Phalanx instructors have also contributed to developing, commercializing, and operationally fielding cutting-edge technologies and training aids for military and law enforcement agencies including public safety SIGINT solutions, the Joint Simulation Environment, and network-enabled weapons.